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6th MEOM Conference 2024

Thank you for participating in the 6th MEOM Conference.

We hope you enjoyed attending the conference in all aspects and staying in Dubai.
We want to hear your feedback to keep improving our logistics and content.

Please fill out this quick survey and let us know your thoughts (your answers will be anonymous).

Note: Please fill out the survey and then we send your CME certificate within 2 days.

General Feedback

1-How do you rank the conference? 

a) Between conferences in the region.
b) Between the conferences in the Middle East
2- How do you find the date of the conference?
3- How do you find the conference venue?
4- How do you find the exhibition?

Scientific content feedback   

1- How satisfied were you with the session content?
3- How do you find the live surgery in general?
4- How do find the live surgery from the transmission point of view?
5- How do find the live surgery from the surgeon's point of view?
6- How do you find the live surgery from the number of surgeons per session?
7- How do you find the date and time of Live surgery?
8- How do you find the wet labs in general?do you find the live surgery in general?
9- The wet lab preparation
10- The wet lab instructors
13- How do you evaluate the Ocular trauma day?
14- How do you evaluate the instructional courses?
16- How do you evaluate the management event?

17- Any suggestions and comments for this event or the next conference?

Thanks for feedback.

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